Monday, 12 March 2007

GUINNESS...The art of waiting

This is pure art, one of the most visually stimulatng ads i have ever seen. It is an ad of epic proportions. The horses remind you of the Greek god Poseidon riding his white horses (the waves)- Apparently, that was part inspiration for the creators of this ad. The surfer waits for the perfect wave, and to him, once he catches it, in his mind's eye, he becomes Poseidon. The greatest high ever! The point of this ad, in my opinion is that patience is a virtue. To fully experience the euphoria that comes from a pint (in some cases two) of GUINNESS, anticipation is key... Good things come to those who wait.
p.s- note the way the music builds up..

1 comment:

Costas said...

absolutely agree karima!!!!guiness should be drung only if its worthy. fantastic job by the creators of this ad and certainly agree with your comments. you should worhty to have a guiness!!